What if.....

Do you ever sit around and think "what if....?" I do not mean what if as in terms of regrets. Some of those "what if's" may get you into trouble or make you sad about things in your life that you can no longer change. Rip off that rear view mirror and start thinking about today in terms of "what if".

What if is all about possibilities!

What if I didn't quit this time?

What if I gave it my all?

What if I took a chance on my dream?

What if I turned right because I always go left?

Your what if questions can be whatever you want them to be.......all of the possibilities. Take a moment to think about your own what if's. I was considering my own last night before bed.
Here are a few:

What if I was consistent every day for the rest of the year?

What if I made a point to plan a date night every week?

What if I did my short yoga routine every night before bed for the next six months?

What if I wrote down all of the ideas and possibilities that popped into my head?

What if I scheduled time in my day to do the things that will help me to get ahead in life and business?

What if I did my skin care routine every single night?

What if I drank a gallon of water every day this month?

What if I followed this program for a whole month or the whole year?

What if I said yes to myself more often?

what if, what if, what if...........

More than just these possibilities, think about what this would mean to you to have said that you completed this. How much progress could you make? How much better would your marriage be? How much better would you : look, sleep, feel, interact?

This is not about the "win" of a job well done for completing the task...though that is a perk. It is about how being consistent and intentional can change your life!

Action!: Make you "what if " list. Why are these things important enough to be on the list? How would your life change by choosing even just one today and implementing it? How will you feel after completing the challenge? I challenge you to choose one thing and be consistent for the rest of the month. What do you think? Challenge accepted?

I will post my what if's to be addressed for the remainder of June!


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Challenge accepted!